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2024 Full Moon Calendar: Dates, Times, Types, and Names

Welcome to the 2024 Full Moon calendar, where we’ll explore the dates, times, types, and names of the mesmerizing lunar events happening throughout the year. In 2024, there will be 12 full moons, each with its own unique name. From the Wolf Moon to the Cold Moon, these celestial wonders offer us a chance to connect with nature, appreciate the changing seasons, and explore the rich cultural traditions associated with the full moon. Join us as we dive into the fascinating world of the 2024 Moon phases and Full Moon names.

What Is a Full Moon?

A full moon occurs when the Earth is directly between the sun and the moon, causing the moon to appear fully illuminated. This phenomenon happens approximately once a month, with an average cycle of 29.53 days. It is a beautiful celestial event that has fascinated humans for centuries.

The Significance of Full Moon Names

Different cultures and traditions have assigned unique names to each full moon of the year. These names often reflect the natural phenomena or activities associated with that particular time of year. They provide a cultural and historical perspective on the moons and help us connect with nature and the changing seasons.

Full Moons in 2024

In the year 2024, there will be a total of 12 full moons. These include various unique names such as the Wolf Moon, Snow Moon, Worm Moon, Pink Moon, Flower Moon, Strawberry Moon, Deer Moon, Super Sturgeon Moon (a seasonal blue moon), Super Harvester Moon, Super Hunter Moon, Super Beaver Moon, and Hail Moon.

The Origins of Full Moon Names

Full Moon names have their roots in Native American traditions, colonial American naming, and other traditional North American sources. Each tribe or culture had its own set of names for the moons, often based on specific events or natural occurrences during that time of year. These names have been passed down through generations and provide a glimpse into the rich history and traditions of the region.

The Meaning Behind Full Moon Names

Full Moon names hold symbolism and meaning, representing various aspects of nature, seasonal changes, animal behavior, or even human activities. These names provide a deeper understanding of the natural world and its connection to the lunar cycles. Let’s explore some examples of Full Moon names and their significance:

Wolf Moon

The Wolf Moon is named after the howling of wolves during that time of year. It symbolizes the wild and untamed spirit of the winter season, reminding us of the resilience of nature even in the harshest conditions.

Worm Moon

The Worm Moon signifies the emergence of earthworms from the ground as the soil warms up in spring. It represents the rebirth and renewal of life, reflecting the awakening of nature after the cold winter months.

Pink Moon

The Pink Moon is named after the pink flowers that bloom during the month of April. It represents the beauty and vitality of spring, as nature comes alive with vibrant colors and new beginnings.

Flower Moon

The Flower Moon symbolizes the abundance of blooming flowers in the month of May. It signifies the peak of springtime, when nature is in full bloom, and serves as a reminder to appreciate the fleeting beauty of each season.

Strawberry Moon

The Strawberry Moon is named after the ripening strawberries that can be harvested in June. It represents the sweetness of summer and the bounty of the earth, reminding us to savor the simple pleasures in life.

Deer Moon

The Deer Moon reflects the mating season of deer, which typically occurs in the fall. It symbolizes abundance, fertility, and the cycles of life. It’s a time to appreciate the interconnectedness of all living beings in the natural world.

Hail Moon

The Hail Moon represents the changing weather patterns in the month of November, when hailstorms become more frequent. It serves as a reminder of the power and unpredictability of nature, urging us to adapt and find strength in the face of adversity.


In addition to the Full Moons with unique names, 2024 will also feature several supermoons. A supermoon occurs when the moon is closest to the Earth in its orbit, appearing larger and brighter than usual. Keep an eye out for these celestial spectacles throughout the year!

Full Moon NameDate
Wolf MoonJanuary 12
Snow MoonFebruary 10
Worm MoonMarch 11
Pink MoonApril 10
Flower MoonMay 9
Strawberry MoonJune 7
Deer MoonSeptember 4
Super Sturgeon MoonOctober 4
Super Harvester MoonNovember 2
Super Hunter MoonDecember 2
Super Beaver MoonDecember 31
Hail MoonDecember 31

Whether you’re a nature enthusiast or simply intrigued by the wonders of the cosmos, understanding the meaning behind Full Moon names adds a layer of depth and appreciation to these celestial events. Take a moment to observe the different full moons throughout the year and connect with the rhythms of nature.

Supermoons and Blue Moons in 2024

In the year 2024, sky gazers will be treated to the spectacular sight of not only supermoons but also a seasonal blue moon. Supermoons are full moons that occur when the moon is closest to the Earth in its orbit, making it appear larger and brighter than usual.

In 2024, there will be a total of four supermoons, providing plenty of opportunities to witness this celestial phenomenon. These supermoons will create an awe-inspiring display in the night sky, captivating both amateur astronomers and nature enthusiasts alike.

Additionally, 2024 will also bring a seasonal blue moon, which is a rare occurrence. A blue moon is defined as the third full moon in a season that has four full moons instead of the usual three. This phenomenon adds an extra touch of magic to the already enchanting lunar events of the year.

Mark your calendars and prepare to be amazed by the stunning supermoons and the mystical blue moon in 2024. These celestial events offer a remarkable opportunity to connect with the wonders of the universe and foster a deeper appreciation for the beauty and grandeur of our natural world.

DateMoon Name
January 2Wolf Moon
January 31Blue Moon
February 1Snow Moon
March 3Worm Moon
March 31Pink Moon
April 30Flower Moon
May 29Strawberry Moon
June 28Deer Moon
July 27Super Sturgeon Moon
August 26Super Harvester Moon
September 24Super Hunter Moon
October 24Super Beaver Moon
November 22Hail Moon

The Importance of Moon Phases

Moon phases have long been intertwined with human behavior and emotions. Many believe that the different phases of the moon can influence our moods, actions, and interactions with others. Understanding the moon phases can help us become more aware of these patterns and navigate our lives with greater clarity.

From ancient times to modern-day, people have observed the moon’s changing phases and attributed various meanings to them. The waxing and waning of the moon symbolize the ebb and flow of energy, and it is believed that each phase holds a unique energetic influence on us.

“The moon is a loyal companion. It never leaves. It’s always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do. Every day it’s a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light. The moon understands what it means to be human.” – Tahereh Mafi

During the waxing phase, when the moon is growing from a sliver to a full circle, our energy and motivation tend to increase. This is a time of new beginnings, inspiration, and setting intentions. It’s when we are more likely to start new projects or embrace fresh perspectives.

As the full moon approaches, its powerful energy reaches its peak, illuminating both the night sky and our emotions. This is a time when heightened emotions may surface, and we may feel a stronger connection to our intuition and inner wisdom. It’s a time of culmination, celebration, and heightened awareness.

After the full moon, the moon begins to wane, gradually transforming from a bright circle to a slender crescent. This phase represents release, letting go, and shedding what no longer serves us. It’s an opportunity to reflect, forgive, and cleanse our energy.

Lastly, during the new moon phase, when the moon is not visible in the night sky, it’s a time for stillness, introspection, and planting seeds of intention. It’s a time to recharge, set new goals, and prepare for the next cycle.

While scientific research may not fully support the notion of the moon directly impacting our emotions and behaviors, many people find solace and inspiration in aligning with the moon’s phases. Whether through rituals, meditation, or simply observing the moon’s beauty, embracing the moon’s cycles can bring a sense of harmony and connection to ourselves and the natural world.

The Emotional Influence of Moon Phases

Throughout history, people have attributed emotional significance to each moon phase. Here are some common associations:

  • New Moon: Introspection, new beginnings, setting intentions
  • Waxing Crescent: Growth, inspiration, creativity
  • First Quarter: Momentum, action, decision-making
  • Waxing Gibbous: Abundance, gratitude, manifestation
  • Full Moon: Emotions, heightened intuition, illumination
  • Waning Gibbous: Release, forgiveness, completion
  • Last Quarter: Reflection, letting go, evaluation
  • Waning Crescent: Surrender, rest, prepare for renewal

While everyone’s experience with moon phases may vary, embracing the emotional influence of the moon can provide a framework for self-reflection and personal growth. By observing and aligning with the moon’s phases, we can cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves and our emotional well-being.

Full Moons and Self-Care

During the full moons, there is a release of energy that creates a unique opportunity for self-care and emotional healing. This period is often seen as a time to let go of emotional baggage and focus on rejuvenating our mind, body, and soul.

The heightened energy during a full moon can be channeled into activities that promote physical and emotional well-being. It is a great time to connect with yourself and engage in practices that bring you joy and relaxation. Here are some self-care ideas to consider:

  • Connect with nature: Spend time outdoors, soak up the moon’s energy, and appreciate the beauty of the night sky.
  • Meditation and mindfulness: Take a moment to calm your mind, practice deep breathing exercises, and focus on the present moment.
  • Journaling: Write down your thoughts, emotions, and reflections to gain clarity and release any negativity.
  • Self-reflection: Use this time to assess your goals, aspirations, and personal growth, and make any necessary adjustments.
  • Physical activities: Engage in gentle exercises, such as yoga or walking, to release tension and boost your energy levels.
  • Creative expression: Explore your artistic side through painting, drawing, or any other creative outlet that brings you joy.

“The full moon is a reminder that we have the power to release, let go, and heal. Embrace this energy and take care of yourself.”

Remember, self-care is a personal journey, and it is important to listen to your own needs and desires. Full moons can serve as a catalyst for positive change and emotional healing. Take this opportunity to nurture yourself and cultivate a sense of inner peace and well-being.

Full Moon Self-Care IdeasDescription
Connect with natureSpend time outdoors, soak up the moon’s energy, and appreciate the beauty of the night sky.
Meditation and mindfulnessTake a moment to calm your mind, practice deep breathing exercises, and focus on the present moment.
JournalingWrite down your thoughts, emotions, and reflections to gain clarity and release any negativity.
Self-reflectionUse this time to assess your goals, aspirations, and personal growth, and make any necessary adjustments.
Physical activitiesEngage in gentle exercises, such as yoga or walking, to release tension and boost your energy levels.
Creative expressionExplore your artistic side through painting, drawing, or any other creative outlet that brings you joy.

2024 Full Moon schedule

As we step into the astronomical marvels of 2024, the lunar calendar invites us to mark our calendars for a year filled with celestial spectacles. From the mesmerizing Thunder Moon to the serene Snow Moon, each full moon brings its own unique atmosphere to the night sky. Let’s embark on a celestial journey through the 2024 Full Moon schedule, highlighting the dates and the special moments they bring to star gazers and night owls alike.

Embracing the Lunar Cycle

In 2024, the moon will grace us with its full luminescence every 29.5 days, continuing the eternal dance between the Earth and the Moon. This cycle ensures that, although we always see the same side of the moon facing us, each phase brings a new opportunity to witness the moon in all its glory.

A Year of Celestial Wonder

The lunar calendar for 2024 is particularly special, as it includes 13 full moons, two of which occur in August, making it a rare occasion where one month hosts two full moons. This phenomenon adds an extra layer of magic to the year, offering more opportunities to gaze up and appreciate the moon’s ever-changing beauty.

Key Highlights of the 2024 Full Moon Schedule

  • Wolf Moon in Pisces: The first full moon of 2024 rises on January 12, setting the tone for the year with its introspective energy.
  • Snow Moon in Virgo: On February 10, the Snow Moon reminds us of the silent beauty of winter, as the moon appears in meticulous Virgo.
  • Worm Moon in Libra: As spring begins to stir, the Worm Moon on March 11 in balanced Libra signals the awakening of the earth.
  • Pink Moon in Scorpio: The Pink Moon on April 10 invites deep transformation, aligning with the passionate energy of Scorpio.
  • Flower Moon in Sagittarius: May 9 brings the Flower Moon, symbolizing growth and adventure under the expansive Sagittarius sky.
  • Strawberry Moon in Capricorn: June 7’s Strawberry Moon offers a moment of reflection and ambition, guided by Capricorn’s steady hand.
  • Buck Moon in Aquarius: July 3’s Buck Moon shines in innovative Aquarius, inspiring us to dream big and embrace our uniqueness.
  • Sturgeon Moon in Pisces & Blue Moon in Virgo: August is a double delight with the Sturgeon Moon on August 1 and a rare Blue Moon on August 31, showcasing the full spectrum from dreamy Pisces to practical Virgo.
  • Harvest Moon in Aries: On September 29, the Harvest Moon in fiery Aries brings a burst of energy and initiative, perfect for reaping what we’ve sown.
  • Hunter’s Moon in Taurus: October 28’s Hunter’s Moon in Taurus grounds us, encouraging us to enjoy the fruits of our labor and the beauty of the world around us.

Supermoons and Eclipses

2024 also boasts several supermoons, with the moon coming closer to the Earth, appearing larger and brighter. These supermoons in 2024—on June 3, July 3, August 1, and September 29—promise breathtaking views. Additionally, lunar eclipses offer a dramatic spectacle, with the Moon passing through Earth’s shadow, showcasing the intricate dance of sun, Earth, and moon.

Photographing the Moon

For those keen on capturing the beauty of the full moon, each event presents a unique opportunity. Whether it’s the subtle hues of the Full Worm Moon or the striking appearance of the Harvest Moon, photographing the moon requires patience and precision. Tips for capturing the perfect moon shot include using a long lens, a tripod, and experimenting with settings to catch the moon’s stunning details.

The Significance of Moon Names

Each full moon carries a name passed down through generations, from the Grain Moon signifying the time of harvest to the Red Moon marking the height of summer. These names not only offer a glimpse into the agricultural and cultural significance of each period but also enrich our connection to the natural world and its cycles.

Observing the Full Moon

To truly appreciate the full moon, it’s worth taking the time to find a quiet spot away from city lights. Whether it’s the serene light of the Moon in Cancer or the intense glow when it’s in Scorpio, each full moon night offers a moment of reflection. Observing the full moon is not just about looking up; it’s about feeling connected to something larger than ourselves, a shared experience that transcends time and space.

In 2024, as we navigate through the year, the full moons serve as monthly reminders of the world’s natural beauty and the mysteries of the universe that await our curious eyes. So, let’s cherish these moments, for each full moon night is a gift, inviting us to pause, reflect, and marvel at the celestial wonders above.

The moonrise and moonset schedule this week

As we venture through the celestial wonders of 2024, let’s zoom in on the week ahead and explore the moonrise and moonset schedule. The moon, our closest celestial neighbor, stages a remarkable show every night, illuminating our skies with its serene glow. Whether it’s the gentle rise of the Full Sturgeon Moon or the quiet farewell of July’s Full Moon, each moment holds a unique beauty worth observing.

Understanding Moon Phases

Before we dive into the specifics, it’s crucial to grasp the moon’s phases, as they directly influence when and how we see the moon. The moon orbits the Earth every 29.5 days, transitioning from new moon to full moon and back, creating a cycle of visibility that’s both predictable and fascinating.

Moonrise and Moonset Basics

The moonrise and moonset are akin to the sun’s daily journey across the sky but with a twist. Due to the moon’s orbit around the Earth, the time of moonrise and moonset shifts forward by about 50 minutes each day. This gradual shift means that the moon’s appearance and disappearance from our horizon changes slightly every night, offering a fresh perspective on this celestial ballet.

This Week’s Schedule

  • February 5: The moon in Gemini rises at 6:15 p.m. and sets at 7:40 a.m. the following day. Gemini’s influence brings a communicative and light-hearted energy to the night.
  • February 6: Transitioning into Cancer, the moonrise at 7:10 p.m. offers a nurturing glow, setting the stage for introspection until it sets at 8:35 a.m.
  • February 7: The moon in Leo rises at 8:05 p.m., injecting a bold and dramatic flair into the evening, setting at 9:30 a.m.
  • February 8 – 9: As the moon moves into Virgo, expect it to rise at 9:00 p.m. and set at 10:25 a.m., highlighting themes of practicality and purity.

Special Moon Events This Week

  • The Next Full Moon: Mark your calendars for October 28, when the Full Sturgeon Moon will grace the sky. This moon, steeped in the lore of Native American traditions, symbolizes the abundance of life.
  • Looking Forward: The second full moon of August, often called a Blue Moon, is an event not to miss. Occurring on August 30, it reminds us of the rarity and beauty of celestial phenomena.

Tips for Moon Watching

  • Find a Clear View: To fully appreciate the moon’s rise and set, find a spot with a clear horizon line, free from buildings and bright lights.
  • Know When to Look: The best time to see the moon in all its glory is during the golden hour, just after moonrise or before moonset, when the atmosphere adds a magical tint to its appearance.
  • Embrace the Moment: Watching the moonrise or moonset is more than an astronomical event; it’s a chance to connect with the rhythms of nature and reflect on our place in the universe.

The Celestial Dance

The dance between the sun and moon, Earth and the cosmos, is a perpetual reminder of the world’s wonders beyond our immediate grasp. As the moon follows its orbit, it brings a cycle of renewal and change, from the first full moon to the next, always returning, yet always different.

Witnessing the Moon’s Journey

Each phase of the moon, from the New Moon to the Full Moon and back, offers a unique spectacle. The moon always presents the same side to us, yet its appearance never ceases to captivate. Whether it’s the Full Moon in Gemini bringing a burst of energy or the serene Full Sturgeon Moon signaling a time of abundance, there’s always something new to discover.

This week, as we observe the moonrise and moonset, let’s take a moment to marvel at the beauty above us. Let the moon’s journey through the sky inspire us to look beyond our immediate surroundings and ponder the vast, starlit sky that stretches infinitely beyond.

What is a Blue Moon? When’s the next one?

When we look up at the night sky, every full moon brings a sense of wonder. It’s like nature’s spotlight, highlighting the vastness and beauty of our universe. In 2024, a special celestial phenomenon will catch the eyes of sky watchers around the globe – a Blue Moon. But what exactly is a Blue Moon, and when can we expect to see the next one?

Understanding the Blue Moon

The term “Blue Moon” has a magical ring to it, doesn’t it? It sounds like something out of a fairy tale. But in the realm of astronomy, a Blue Moon has a specific definition. Traditionally, it refers to the occurrence of two full moons in a single calendar month. However, there’s another less known but equally fascinating definition: the third full moon in a season that has four full moons, instead of the usual three. This latter definition is known as a seasonal Blue Moon.

The Rarity of Blue Moons

Blue Moons are a rare treat in the sky. The saying “once in a blue moon” isn’t just a whimsical phrase; it indicates something that doesn’t happen very often. The cycle of the moon, from one full moon to the next, happens every 29.5 days. Because of this, most months will only have one full moon. When the timing lines up just right, we get to experience the rarity of two full moons in a month, or the seasonal Blue Moon, adding an extra layer of enchantment to our lunar observations.

When’s the Next Blue Moon?

Mark your calendars! In the year 2024, we’re in for a celestial treat. The next Blue Moon, according to the seasonal definition, will illuminate the night sky on November 27, 2024. This will be the third full moon of the autumn season, which will boast four full moons in total. This occurrence is a splendid opportunity for both seasoned astronomers and casual observers to bask in the moon’s glow, a phenomenon that reminds us of the wonders of the cosmos and the intricate dance between the earth and the moon.

The Significance of Full Moons

Each full moon carries its unique name and significance, deeply rooted in various cultures and traditions. These names, from the Wolf Moon in January to the Cold Moon in December, are not just poetic titles; they tell stories of times past, reflecting the natural world and human life interconnected with the lunar cycles. The full moon rises majestically in the sky, casting its silver light over the earth, and with it, brings moments of reflection, celebration, and sometimes, the rare and beautiful Blue Moon.

Observing the Blue Moon

When the Blue Moon rises, it’s an invitation to all to gaze upwards. Whether you’re an avid stargazer with a telescope ready or someone who simply appreciates the beauty of the night sky, the appearance of a Blue Moon is a moment worth pausing for. The moon will still look full and bright, called full by all who see it, though it’s not actually blue in color. It’s a reminder of the enduring rhythm of the cosmos, happening every 29.5 days, yet always bringing with it something special to behold.

In Summary

The phenomenon of a Blue Moon, whether by the traditional or seasonal definition, serves as a bridge between the scientific and the mystical. It’s a testament to the beauty and unpredictability of the natural world. As we anticipate the next Blue Moon on November 27, 2024, let us remember to look up and marvel at the celestial wonders that orbit above us, in a dance that has fascinated humanity through the ages.

How and why do Full Moons occur?

Have you ever looked up at the night sky, marveling at the full moon’s beauty, and wondered how and why this celestial event occurs? Well, let’s embark on a journey through the cosmos to understand the fascinating process behind the full moon and why it captivates us so.

The Celestial Dance of Earth, Moon, and Sun

Imagine the Earth, Moon, and Sun performing a cosmic ballet. The full moon happens when the Earth finds itself exactly between the Sun and the Moon, with the three celestial bodies in a straight line. This alignment allows the sun’s rays to fully illuminate the moon’s surface that faces us, causing it to shine brightly in our night sky. This event, which we call a full moon, happens approximately every 29.5 days, marking a complete lunar cycle from one full moon to the next.

The Illuminating Phase

As the moon orbits the Earth, it goes through several phases, each determined by how much of its surface we can see illuminated by the sun. The full moon phase is when the moon’s entire face is lit up, offering a spectacular view from Earth. This is the phase where you can see the next full moon in its full glory, beaming down on us with its luminous presence.

Mark Your Calendars: Special Full Moons

Every full moon is a treat, but some are extra special. For instance, the dates such as March 7, April 6, May 5, and December 26 mark the occurrence of full moons, each with its own unique name and significance. These dates are like celestial appointments where the moon showcases its full splendor. The full moon in September or October is particularly special, as it’s known as the Harvest Moon due to its close proximity to the autumn equinox.

Why the Moon is Called “Full”

The term “full moon” signifies that we are seeing the entire face of the moon illuminated by the sun. Despite the vast distance separating Earth and the sun, their perfect alignment during a full moon allows the sun to cast its light across the moon’s surface, making it appear as a perfect circular disk in the sky. It’s a moment when the moon is called full because we’re witnessing its complete illumination.

The Full Moon Happens Every 29.5 Days

This regular celestial event, which captivates sky gazers around the world, happens every 29.5 days. This duration, known as the synodic month, is the time it takes for the moon to return to the same phase, from full moon to the next full moon. It’s a rhythm set by the celestial dance between the Earth, the moon, and the sun, providing a natural calendar in the sky for observers on Earth.

Witnessing the Full Moon

To see the next full moon, all you need is a clear night sky. There’s something magical about witnessing this phase, as it connects us to the wider universe and the continual motion of celestial bodies. The full moon happens with clockwork precision, a testament to the predictable yet awe-inspiring nature of our cosmos.

In summary, the occurrence of a full moon is a testament to the precise mechanics of our solar system. It’s a monthly reminder of the earth and the sun’s influence on our closest celestial neighbor. Whether it’s in March, April, May, or December, each full moon brings with it a sense of wonder, illuminating the night and offering us a glimpse into the vastness of space. So next time you see the moon in its full glory, remember the incredible cosmic dance that makes it possible.

Moon Phases and Celestial Events Newsletter

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The year 2024 is an exciting time for celestial enthusiasts, with a full moon calendar filled with mesmerizing lunar events. From the Wolf Moon in January to the Cold Moon in December, each month brings its own unique name and significance.

These celestial wonders provide us with an incredible opportunity to connect with nature and appreciate the changing seasons. As we gaze upon the illuminated night sky, we can marvel at the beauty of the full moon and the awe-inspiring celestial wonders it represents.

Not only do these lunar events offer a chance for us to embrace nature’s rhythms, but they also allow us to explore the rich cultural traditions associated with the full moon. Through the full moon’s names and symbolism, we can gain a deeper understanding of our ancestors’ beliefs and their connection with the natural world.

Mark your calendars and plan ahead to witness these breathtaking lunar events in 2024. Let the full moon guide your journey as you embrace the celestial wonders and strengthen your connection with nature.

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