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Left, right or center: Why the BSW is nowhere to be seen

Wagenknecht at “RTL Direkt”
Left, right or center: Why the BSW is nowhere to be seen

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Sahra Wagenknecht doesn't want to answer whether the BSW is left or right. In an interview with “RTL Direkt” she explains why such “drawers” ​​are outdated. She also accuses her competitors of arrogance and hypocrisy and criticizes gaps in the asylum system after the knife attack in Mannheim.

In Sahra Wagenknecht's opinion, the left, right and moderate political positions of her newly founded alliance are not in contradiction to one another. On “RTL Direkt” the BSW party leader said: “We won’t allow ourselves to be sorted into these drawers.” According to Wagenknecht, the BSW stands for social justice, conservative social policy and “sensible economic policy for our medium-sized businesses”. The former left-wing politician said she wasn't bothered by the term “leading culture”: “Yes, I mean, what does leading culture mean? That just means that we need certain values ​​that hold society together. That we actually do, of course “If we look closely, if parallel societies develop, if in certain milieus the rejection and hatred of our culture creates identity, then that is not multicultural, but rather something where there is a need for action.”

The topic came to the fore again, not least because of the fatal knife attack in Mannheim. “How can a man like that stay in our country for ten years, be supported, get money?” Wagenknecht asked on the show. “So we basically financed his radicalization.” Wagenknecht does not see the attack as an isolated case. She emphasizes that not all Muslims should be placed under general suspicion. However, Islamist perpetrators have “a significant share” in the increase in violent crime in recent years. “And that's why I think it's long past time to take a closer look. Where do parallel societies emerge?”

Wagenknecht not only found clear words about the asylum system, but also about her competition. Nowadays, people no longer associate left-wing politics with social justice, but rather with “arrogant politicians from relatively privileged backgrounds who want to teach them how they should talk, how they should think, how they should eat.” Her own goal, on the other hand, is to defend freedom of expression.

The elephant round for the European elections

This has never happened before:

Exclusive and at prime time The leaders of the six major German parties discuss the results of the European and local elections.

  • Friedrich Merz
  • Lars Klingbeil
  • Omid Nouripour
  • Christian Lindner
  • Alice Weidel
  • Sahra Wagenknecht

This unique round is moderated by ntv politics boss Nikolaus Blome.

Turn on: ntv, Sunday, June 9th, 8:15 p.m

“Forget the flood after two weeks”

In view of the catastrophic situation in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, she accused politicians from other parties of hypocrisy when it came to flood protection and their treatment of the victims of the storm. “When there's a flood, the politicians go there and put on rubber boots, and two weeks later they forget about the people.”

The European elections at the weekend represent a first test for the BSW. According to current surveys, the party is at around 6 percent. Sahra Wagenknecht will be seen on ntv during the European elections. On election Sunday, Nikolaus Blome, head of the RTL/ntv politics department, will welcome Wagenknecht as well as the other party leaders Friedrich Merz, Lars Klingbeil, Omid Nouripour, Christian Lindner and Alice Weidel at 8:15 p.m. (live stream also on Classification of the election results.

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