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Berlin Green MP apologizes for interjection

Disrespectful at the Mannheim debate
Berlin Green MP apologizes for interjection

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In the Berlin House of Representatives, Interior Senator Spranger wanted to speak about the police officer killed in Mannheim, but Green Party politician Bozkurt interrupted and laughed. She was met with opposition on site and a shitstorm on the Internet. She quickly backtracked and apologized.

Green Party MP Tuba Bozkurt has apologized for an interjection during a speech in the Berlin House of Representatives about the police officer killed in Mannheim. “It was disrespectful and indecent and I deeply regret it,” she said on Platform X on Thursday evening. “I sincerely apologize to the relatives, friends and colleagues of Rouven L., whom I have hurt with this.” There had previously been criticism from her own party.

During the question time at the plenary session in the House of Representatives, Interior Senator Iris Spranger began to talk about the police officer Rouven L. He was so badly injured by an attacker with a knife at an anti-Islam rally last Friday that he later died in hospital. The SPD politician said: “The terrible death in Mannheim shows us, of course…” Then there was an interjection: “Mannheim is dead?” and laughter. Spranger replied: “I wouldn't laugh about that.”

“This interjection was wrong. We will work through this in the parliamentary group. Something like this will not happen again,” the Green Party parliamentary group in the House of Representatives announced on X on Thursday. The parliamentary group's unconditional condolences go out to the police officer who was killed, his family and his colleagues.

Green Party Federal Chairman Omid Nouripour also reacted to X: “It's right that you are dealing with this. Such behavior is indecent. On behalf of my party, I apologize to Rouven L.'s relatives for this. When the family of a murder victim stands at the grave, there is nothing to laugh about.”

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