Judgment confirms BSW is right Court: ARD has to invite Wagenknecht party to the “election arena”. This audio version was artificially generated. More info |...
Mario Draghi is not a candidate. Nevertheless, the Italian is repeatedly touted as President of the next EU Commission. The personality is not likely –...
Only 60 percent accessed Federal states are spending millions on flood protection This audio version was artificially generated. More info | Send feedback The clean-up...
Close race in the Netherlands Green-Left alliance narrowly ahead of Wilders’ party in EU elections This audio version was artificially generated. More info | Send...
Politically motivated act? Transporter burns out in front of AfD party office in Berlin This audio version was artificially generated. More info | Send feedback...
ntv invites party leaders to showdown The federal election campaign begins on Sunday evening This audio version was artificially generated. More info | Send feedback...